Posts tagged Tutorials
WebFrame Basics

Video Tutorial



This guide will provide additional information on WebFrame configuration options and how it can be used in tandem with iOS “Guided Access Mode” to create a locked-down public kiosk with an iPad running iOS 11.0 or later.

Installing WebFrame

WebFrame can be installed from the iOS App Store, through Apple’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP), or through leading MDM products (such as JAMF, VMWare Workspace One, MobileIron, Microsoft Intune, etc.) that support VPP.

If you would like to deploy WebFrame as an internal (Enterprise) app, please contact us for a WebFrame Enterprise quote.

Configuring WebFrame

WebFrame can be configured entirely on-device through the iOS Settings app. Begin by opening the Settings app.

Once in Settings, scroll down on the left pane until you see the settings for the installed apps. Choose ‘WebFrame’ from this list.


WebFrame allows the following configuration options:

Homepage URL

“URL” will be the starting page for WebFrame. The URL must be a valid URL including ‘http://’ or ‘https://’ (‘https://’ is recommended). The URL can also include query string parameters.

For example:¶m2=value2

To configure a document (.PDF), include a link to a full path to the file. For example:

To configure a looping YouTube video, use the following link replacing “VIDEO_ID” with the actual ID from the YouTube video. For example:

For additional information on YouTube URL parameters, please see this page from YouTube. Please note, some parameters (such as ‘autoplay’) do not function or function differently on iOS.

Allowed Domains

“Limit Browsing to Specific Domains” will limit navigation to domains (including subdomains) on the provided list. This will prevent users of a public kiosk from gaining access to broader web access than you would like. For example, if you want to use your own public website as a kiosk, but it contains links to Google or other 3rd party websites, you can limit the kiosk’s navigation to your domain only.

“Allowed Domains” is a comma-delimited string in the format of domain name and top-level domain (.com,, .io, etc.). Optionally, you may also include subdomain.

For example:,,,

Inactivity Timer

“Enable Inactivity Timer” will reset the device to the configured Homepage URL if the device is left unattended for a selected period of time. This will allow the kiosk to be returned to your desired state if a user leaves the kiosk on a page other than your Homepage.

The available timeout values are 1, 3, 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

“Clear Cache on Reload” will delete any cookies or session state information on the device when the Inactivity Timer refreshes the device. Use this setting if users can enter personal data or if session state is maintained on the configured website or web app used as the Homepage.

User Interface Settings

There are three options available for the WebFrame user interface.

“Enable User Interaction” will enable or disable all user interaction. Users will not be able to use any tap, swipe, or other gestures. Disable all user interaction when you are configuring a non-interactive kiosk used as an information display, looping video, etc.

“Enable Back/Forward Swipe Gestures” will enable or disable using edge swipe navigation gestures to navigate backward or forward in the browser window. Disable this setting if you want to force users to use your site navigation instead of browser back/forward capabilities.

“Enable Pull to Refresh” will allow users to reload the current page by pulling down. If your site is not auto-updating, this will allow users to view updated page content on demand.

Next Time

Stay. tuned to for additional tutorials covering advanced configuration topics such as document kiosk, information display, looping YouTube videos, etc.