Making Adjustments
When we began working on WebFrame, software for turning an iPad into a public kiosk, we did not envision a time when people would stop going out in public. We see both challenges and opportunities in the post COVID-19 world, and are making some adjustments to respond.
First, we are seeing a need from our customers to switch from interactive kiosks to digital information displays. In the latest releases of WebFrame and WebFrame Pro, we have changed the way our inactivity timer functionality works to allow digital information displays to be more dynamic while still remaining non-interactive. When user interaction is disabled, the inactivity timer will start counting down immediately (rather than waiting for the first user interaction) before refreshing the page. We have also added a 1-hour option to the timer. These changes will allow you to point WebFrame to a webpage, document, slide show, or commercial information display solution and enable WebFrame to reload new content on a periodic basis.
Second, we see a lot of promise in the use of iPad-based kiosks as a replacement of person-to-person interactions to facilitate social distancing. However, the iPad screen is a potential source of spreading infection between users. As a result, we are actively looking for partners that manufacture anti-microbial cases and/or screen protectors. Look for an announcement soon.
Finally, we are pleased to announce WebFrame Basic Kiosk. WebFrame Basic has the entire set of features available in WebFrame Kiosk, but is free. Our hope is that WebFrame Basic will provide an easy way for potential customers to try-out WebFrame in their environment or with their web apps before purchasing WebFrame or WebFrame Pro. WebFrame Basic includes an ad banner at the bottom of the screen that provides App Store links that make it easy to purchase WebFrame or WebFrame Pro.
Get WebFrame Basic, WebFrame, and WebFrame Pro from the following links:
WebFrame Basic Kiosk
WebFrame Kiosk
WebFrame Pro Kiosk
Thanks and stay safe!
Tony @ WireFramerate