Posts tagged WebFrame Pro
WebFrame Pro 3.1.0: Infinite Showroom

We’re happy to announce WebFrame Pro v3.1.0, now available on the iOS App Store. We have some exciting new features and a couple of small refinements that we think you will love.

Augmented Reality

Create an infinite showroom, gallery, or display for 3D objects with Augmented Reality. Simply link to a .USDZ or .Realty file on your webpage. When a user taps on the link/image, it will be rendered in an AR Quick Look window that will guide the user through calibrating the screen and anchoring the image.

On your webpage, use the following code to host a 3D model and preview:

<a rel="ar" href="/path-to-model/model.usdz">
  <img class="image-model" src="/path-to-preview/preview.png" alt="" />

Open Apps by URL

We have added a new setting in WebFrame Pro that enables launching 3rd party apps using app-specific URL schemes. For example, on your webpage, you can create a link open the iOS Shortcuts app by adding the following:

<a href="shortcuts:">Open Shortcuts App</a>

Note: App URLs will not open 3rd party apps when a device is configured in Guided Access Mode, Single App Mode, or Autonomous Single App Mode. This option is disabled by default.

Session Options

We have added the ability to configure WebFrame Pro to launch with a new session or resume a previous session when launching after a device is restarted or when the app is completely closed and restarted (for example, after a force-quit). The default option is to start a new session. Behavior during app switching remains the same (resume current session).

Launch from WebClip Setting and Default Behavior Change

In version 3.1.0, we have changed the default behavior regarding Web Clips. Launching WebFrame Pro from a Web Clip is now always enabled and the enabled/disabled toggle has been removed from settings. After consideration, we felt that having this as a configuration option was redundant since an administrator would have to configure and install a Web Clip in the first place.

Download on the App Store
WebFrame 3.0.0: Well That Was Interesting...

Tuesday, Apple surprised developers by announcing that iOS and iPadOS 14 would be released Wednesday. Fortunately, as we revealed in our previous blog post, we invested heavily in test automation over the past few months. Over the last 24 hours, we have been able to complete dozens of full test passes on WebFrame Pro, WebFrame, and WebFrame Basic. To their credit, Apple reviewers are rapidly reviewing and approving new releases. We are happy to announce the availability of v3.0.0 of the WebFrame Kiosk portfolio of products.

WebFrame v3.0.0 Includes:

iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 Support

iOS and iPadOS 14 introduced changes in multitasking and how threads update the user interface. We introduced a work-around in the previous release to accommodate our customers using the public betas. v3.0.0 has been updated with the latest OS changes while maintaining compatibility back to iOS 12.4.

QR and BarCode Reader

While mobile Safari includes support for JavaScript-based QR code readers, Apple has not enabled that support for WKWebView-based browsers which includes many popular browsers (Chrome, Edge, FireFox, etc.) as well as other web-based kiosk solutions. To support our customers, we have created native a native QR and barcode scanner that can be called from JavaScript. After a successful read, WebFrame will return the scanned data to a JavaScript callback function that you can implement however you wish. This allows our customers to create product lookup, employee login, coupon scans, etc. For information on implementing WebFrame QR and Barcode reader on your page, please refer to

Easier Access to and Password Protection of In-App Settings

When enabled, in-app settings can be accessed with a four-finger double-tap gesture. This provides easier access to settings and allows configuration changes to be made to a device running in Single App Mode. Additionally, in-app settings can be protected by a passcode. As an added convenience, the passcode can be entered by scanning a QR code.

Autonomous Single App Mode (WebFrame Pro)

In addition to Guided Access Mode and Single App Mode, WebFrame Pro supports Autonomous Single App Mode (ASAM). Like traditional Single App Mode, ASAM will lock a device down to a single application with no access to the home screen, even on a reboot. As an added convenience, however, ASAM allows a configured kiosk app to start and stop a single-app session. From the in-app settings menu in WebFrame Pro, an authorized administrator can exit a single app session, access the desktop to use a line-of-business or other app, then go back to WebFrame Pro and resume a single app session.

Create a Web Archive from In-App Settings (WebFrame Pro)

When offline support was added to WebFrame Pro, creating a web archive file required either desktop or mobile Safari. In WebFrame Pro v3.0.0, you can now create a web archive from in-app settings. After creating the archive, WebFrame Pro will prompt if you would like to configure the archive as the homepage URL.

Improved Test Coverage and Bug Fixes

Our investment in test automation has not only paid dividends in our ability to quickly test and release a new build, but also exposed several lower priority bugs and quality issues in our previous releases. As we move forward, this new approach should accelerate our ability to release new features while improving product quality.

Updated User Guide

We have created a new user guide with enhanced navigation and an improved architecture that will allow the page to load faster and allow us to quickly add new content. The URL for the user guide remains

Get WebFrame Now

WebFrame Basic Kiosk on the AppStore

WebFrame Kiosk on the AppStore

WebFrame Pro on the AppStore

Making Adjustments

When we began working on WebFrame, software for turning an iPad into a public kiosk, we did not envision a time when people would stop going out in public. We see both challenges and opportunities in the post COVID-19 world, and are making some adjustments to respond.

First, we are seeing a need from our customers to switch from interactive kiosks to digital information displays. In the latest releases of WebFrame and WebFrame Pro, we have changed the way our inactivity timer functionality works to allow digital information displays to be more dynamic while still remaining non-interactive. When user interaction is disabled, the inactivity timer will start counting down immediately (rather than waiting for the first user interaction) before refreshing the page. We have also added a 1-hour option to the timer. These changes will allow you to point WebFrame to a webpage, document, slide show, or commercial information display solution and enable WebFrame to reload new content on a periodic basis.

Second, we see a lot of promise in the use of iPad-based kiosks as a replacement of person-to-person interactions to facilitate social distancing. However, the iPad screen is a potential source of spreading infection between users. As a result, we are actively looking for partners that manufacture anti-microbial cases and/or screen protectors. Look for an announcement soon.

Finally, we are pleased to announce WebFrame Basic Kiosk. WebFrame Basic has the entire set of features available in WebFrame Kiosk, but is free. Our hope is that WebFrame Basic will provide an easy way for potential customers to try-out WebFrame in their environment or with their web apps before purchasing WebFrame or WebFrame Pro. WebFrame Basic includes an ad banner at the bottom of the screen that provides App Store links that make it easy to purchase WebFrame or WebFrame Pro.

Get WebFrame Basic, WebFrame, and WebFrame Pro from the following links:

WebFrame Basic Kiosk

WebFrame Kiosk

WebFrame Pro Kiosk

Thanks and stay safe!

Tony @ WireFramerate

Content Blocking in WebFrame Pro Kiosk 2.2.0

We’re pleased to announce WebFrame Pro Kiosk 2.2.0 with advanced content filtering.

In addition to improved performance of our existing Allowed Domains feature, the Advanced Content Filter will allow you block:

  • Tracking cookies from ads, social networks, and other sources

  • Tracking content including ads, fingerprinting, crypto mining, and more

  • Custom content that you can define yourself.

See the WebFrame User Guide for more information.

Get WebFrame Kiosk Pro v2.2.0 from the iOS App Store.

Offline Support now Available in WebFrame Pro Kiosk

Announcing WebFrame Pro Kiosk v2.1.1

Now with WebFrame Pro Kiosk, you can use a locally stored site (.html), document, media file, etc. as the homepage for a completely disconnected experience. 

Create an archive (.webarchive) of your website using desktop or mobile Safari, store it locally, and use it as your WebFrame Pro homepage to create an offline starting point that automatically bridges to an online experience.

To learn more about setting up and using offline support, see the WebFrame User Guide or watch this brief video demo:


Get WebFrame Pro Kiosk 2.1.1 from the iOS App Store:

What’s new in WebFrame Kiosk v2.1.1?

Offline support is exclusive to WebFrame Pro, but we haven’t forgotten about WebFrame. Both WebFrame and WebFrame Pro have been updated with enhancements and bug fixes including:

  • Activity spinner has been replaced with a progress bar to actual page loading progress in a less intrusive way. New configuration options allow you use the new progress bar (default), activity spinner, or no progress indicator.

  • Disabled drag-and-drop, which caused problems in Guided Access Mode or allowed users to launch Safari.

  • Disabled text highlighting and the associated “Copy | Look up | Share” popup menu.

  • Multiple bug fixes for Allowed Domains filtering.

Get WebFrame Kiosk 2.1.1 from the iOS App Store:

Public Beta for the Holidays
Nav Button Demo.gif

Happy Holidays from WireFrameRate!

For the last six months, we have been busy building the company and our WebFrame and WebFrame Pro apps, which have each been updated with two feature releases as well as bug fixes. We will now be taking some time off for the holidays, but before we do, we would like to announce public beta programs for WebFrame and WebFrame Pro as well as version 1.3.0 (Beta) of each app, which will be available as part of the beta programs.

Beta Program

The Beta Programs for WebFrame and WebFrame Pro are delivered through Apple TestFlight.

To participate in the WebFrame Kiosk public beta, click here:

To participate in the WebFrame Pro Kiosk public beta, click here:

WebFrame Version 1.3.0 (Beta)

The primary update for version 1.3.0 (Beta) is the addition of navigation buttons. While swipe gestures are intuitive for frequent tablet users, for kiosk applications there is still a large audience of potential users that may not find swiping back and forth to be intuitive.

The buttons are off by default, but can be enabled through Settings (WebFrame and WebFrame Pro) or through EMM (WebFrame Pro). They can also be configured to minimize on scroll and to auto-hide when not available (e.g. when you can navigate forward or backward.


If you are managing WebFrame Pro from an AppConfig-complaint EMM product, you can use the following keys to configure navigation button settings:


In addition to the navigation button capabilities, we have added support for multiple authentication types to WebFrame and WebFrame Pro. Most notably, we have added support for HTTP Basic authentication. While we strongly recommend using HTTPS, we recognize that many customers may be using legacy sites or intranet environments where HTTPS is not preferable or possible.

See you in 2019

We will be back in the office in early January with releases to production of both apps. Until then, Happy Holidays from the team at WireFrame Rate.

Announcing WebFrame and WebFrame Pro Version 1.2.0
WebFrame 1.2.0 Announce Header Image.png

We are pleased to announce the availability of WebFrame and WebFrame Pro version 1.2.0.

This version adds the capability to customize full screen options on iPhone X, Xs, Xs Max, and Xr. Both WebFrame and WebFrame Pro can be configured locally in iOS Settings. WebFrame Pro can also be managed remotely through AppConfig-compliant management solutions such as JAMF, MobileIron, VMWare AirWatch, etc.

Get WebFrame Kiosk 1.2.0 here:

Get WebFrame Pro Kiosk 1.2.0 Here:

Locally Managed Options

Safe Area Frame Color

If you have used either WebFrame or WebFrame Pro on an iPhone model listed above, you may have noticed whitespace at the top of the screen.

Note the whitespace at the top of the screen above the safe area constraints.

Note the whitespace at the top of the screen above the safe area constraints.


That space is the result of Apple’s Safe Area constraints. These constraints ensure that no critical elements (branding, controls, etc.) of an app or webpage are obscured by the FaceID camera array or the rounded corners of the device.

For most use cases, we recommend leaving safe area constraints enabled. However, to improve branding or visual aesthetics of your kiosk implementation, we have added the ability to customize the color of the screen outside of the safe area.

If you are managing WebFrame or WebFrame Pro locally, go to the appropriate item in the iOS Settings app and scroll down to the “Safe Area Color…” setting under User Interface Settings. The value is specified as a six-digit hex color code, for example 000000 for black or ffffff for white, etc.

The most universally-applicable approach is to simply configure a black frame (which is the new default setting) as this will allow the screen above the safe area to blend seamlessly with the FaceID camera array and rounded corners.

WebFrame with black safe area frame.

WebFrame with black safe area frame.


You may prefer to use a color associated with the brand or the page/app being used as a kiosk. For example, if using the Starbucks progressive web app as a kiosk, you could specify the hex value for the green of Starbucks’ logo (0D6343).

Starbucks PWA framed in Starbucks’ green.

Starbucks PWA framed in Starbucks’ green.


Full Screen Option

Many modern websites have been updated to accommodate safe area without relying on app constraints. Other sites may use full screen imagery or otherwise look best with a true full screen experience. For these configurations, we have added an additional setting, “Full Screen Option”. You can select one of three possible values for Full Screen Option:

  1. Safe Area: Default setting. This value will enforce safe area constraints.

  2. Full Screen: This value will remove safe area constraints and allow WebFrame or WebFrame Pro to use the full screen of the device. Websites that accommodate safe area will function normally.

  3. Full Screen (Modify Page Viewport): This value will remove safe area constraints as well. However, it will also modify the viewport settings of the underlying page to override safe area. This setting is only recommended for advanced, highly-controlled uses.

Full Screen enabled. Notice that page initially loads in safe area but as user scrolls, the page occupies the full screen.

Full Screen enabled. Notice that page initially loads in safe area but as user scrolls, the page occupies the full screen.


Demonstration of New Features (Locally Managed)

Here is a video demonstration of the new features being configured locally in Settings:

Remotely Managed Options

If you are remotely managing WebFrame Pro with an AppConfig-compliant management product, two new keys have been added to the configuration profile:


The safe area color option is a string specifying the same six-digit hex color code as with local settings. Please note, though, that it has a hashtag (or pound sign) in front of the number. This is required and ensures that value is correctly handled despite differences in EMM products.

Full screen option is an integer value. Set 0 for safe area constraints, 1 for full screen, and 2 for full screen with viewport override.

For a full list of managed key-value pairs, click here.

Demonstration of New Features (Remotely Managed)

Here is a video overview and demonstration using JAMF Pro to remotely configure the new options for WebFrame Pro: