Announcing WebFrame Pro Kiosk v2.1.1
Now with WebFrame Pro Kiosk, you can use a locally stored site (.html), document, media file, etc. as the homepage for a completely disconnected experience.
Create an archive (.webarchive) of your website using desktop or mobile Safari, store it locally, and use it as your WebFrame Pro homepage to create an offline starting point that automatically bridges to an online experience.
To learn more about setting up and using offline support, see the WebFrame User Guide or watch this brief video demo:
Get WebFrame Pro Kiosk 2.1.1 from the iOS App Store:
What’s new in WebFrame Kiosk v2.1.1?
Offline support is exclusive to WebFrame Pro, but we haven’t forgotten about WebFrame. Both WebFrame and WebFrame Pro have been updated with enhancements and bug fixes including:
Activity spinner has been replaced with a progress bar to actual page loading progress in a less intrusive way. New configuration options allow you use the new progress bar (default), activity spinner, or no progress indicator.
Disabled drag-and-drop, which caused problems in Guided Access Mode or allowed users to launch Safari.
Disabled text highlighting and the associated “Copy | Look up | Share” popup menu.
Multiple bug fixes for Allowed Domains filtering.